SPACE - Library 2 - Volume 1.iso
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283 lines
For HP DeskJet/LaserJet Epson LQ or Epson 9 pin printers
Seriously folks! I found a need for this program which is why I wrote
it. Mind you, I wrote it just for me at first, but as it developed I
thought maybe you might use it so I polished it up a bit and wrote a
version for the HP Deskjet as well as my own Epson. It prints any DEGAS,
Tiny or NEOchrome pics on your printer. I have a good number of clip art
pics for use with our newsletter and I got quite frustrated with searching
through all these pics to find just the right art to clip. Hey, I thought!
Why not print them and put 'em in a ring binder! Simple enough you might
say and so I thought, but I spent a full hour one night and got only about
12 pics onto paper. Yikes! There had to be a better way!
Besides the fact that there's no really easy to use program that will
just load and print a pic, there's also minor problem when printing quite a
few pics from the ST screen on a 9-pin printer. The ST's resolution is 400
dots (points of 1/72 inch) top to bottom as far as the system's screen
dump is concerned (even in the low and medium res). This is just a tad more
than half of a page of printer paper. Eleven inch paper is 792 points high.
Divide that by two and you get 396. OOOOPS! Just 4 points shy of an ST
screen dump which means you must either waste half a page by printing only
one pic to a page then punching the form feed button or you can try
printing two pics to a page then roll the platen back a few notches
starting again with a bit of a mess (8 points high) at the top of each
page. THIS, I can tell you, requires MUCH babysitting while all the time
listening to that unearthly rasp of the print head while it grates across
the page! UGH! And for the Deskjet or LQ, well, Easy Draw will print only
9 graphics per page and the files can become quite large when dealing
with entire screens to say nothing of the page layout procedure!
Well, computers are supposed to make life less of a hassle (a point
that's moot to some, no doubt) so I set to work to make it easier
cataloging my full screen clip art. I put together ClipArTALOGUE in a few
hours by using GFA BASIC v2.0 routines from various sources, some from the
GFA book, some I had written, and a few borrowed from PD software. This
program will load any DEGAS, Tiny or NEO pics in any resolution regardless
of what resolution it's in currently (runs in all three, by the way). It
will load a single pic and send it off or it will serially load and dump an
entire diskfull of pics without the need of a babysitter (that's YOU if you
know what I mean). It employs a few tricks to save paper by fitting two
pics to a page on Epson 9 pin compatibles, 8 pics per on Epson LQ and 15
(YUP! count 'em) per page on the Deskjet!
there is a completely different algorithm for loading and printing which
is why there's two separate programs (Also for memory conservation so you
don't need the aggravation of loading both drivers) If you have an EPSON
9 pin printer, run PIC_LOG2.PRG. For Deskjet or LQs, run HPLQ_LOG.PRG. It
may override some of your defaults so it's best to cold start the printer
both before and after running the program. I'll say this only once here so
read this paragraph again and take note.
The initial screen has a box with three buttons marked SOME, ALL, and
QUEST (SET for HP_LQ). Poking the SOME button enables you to load a single
pic of any resolution which is then dumped to the printer after
confirmation from you (in three possible sizes for HP owners). Short, sweet
and simple with no tricks, bells or whistles. Period!
FOR HP DESKJET or LQ OWNERS: (9 pins skip to next section)
After you press the ALL button, you are greeted with the following:
This is a simple toggle which will cause the program to alternate among
the three screens currently undergoing the print process. Since the
program was primarily designed for use with monochrome pics on a
monochrome monitor, showing color pics on a monochrome screen or ANY
pics on a color screen will slow the print process because the pic must
be redrawn EACH time.
This button will cause the program to display only the last pic of the
three currently under print. There is no speed loss here.
Go back to the initial screen.
The program takes full advantage of your printer's resolution and prints
as many pics per page as can be comfortable for viewing.
FOR EPSON: (HP LQ owners skip to next section)
The QUEST button requires a bit of detailed explanation. I needed a
word which would denote two choices because GFA 2 allows only three buttons
to an alert box and the program required four choices at the initial
screen. "Quest" is a combination of the words "quit" and "test" those being
the choices this button allows. I arrived at this word after a few moments
of careful consideration during which three combinations of the two words
boiled to the top immediately. The first that came to mind was "TUIT" which
combines the first letter of "test" and the last three of "quit." I tossed
it out because not only is it an unattractive word, it is too easily
pronounced "twit" with some unfavorable connotations (possibly related to
this programmer). The second word that surfaced combined the first letter
of "test" and only the last two letters of "quit." No dice. While that word
has obvious connotations which may excite some of the more liberal minded
of end users, I felt it had to go. "Quest" came to mind next, an attractive
word with romantic connotations that looks quite good in a button box.
QUEST allows you to QUIT the program, TEST your printer, or NEITHER.
Why TEST the printer? To print a log of multiple screens properly
without any babysitting, ClipArTALOGUE requires that the paper be set
initially to EXACTLY TOP OF FORM with the top pin of the printhead
precisely aligned with the perf. Punching the TEST button fires the top pin
of the printhead in a series of dots across the page and also sets your
printer at its tiniest paper advance increment. To use this button
effectively, set your paper just a bit low of TOF and punch the TEST
button. Note the position of the dots according to the perf then press the
LINE FEED button on your printer until you feel that the top pin is aligned
with the perforation. Punch the TEST button again. When those little dots
are nearly invisible because they are printed directly on the perf your
printer is set at EXACTLY top of form.
You are now ready to punch the ALL button on the initial screen. Here
you're greeted with again three buttons:
If your printer is If your printer This button will
capable of reverse line won't perform reverse cause the program to
feeds (push tractor line feeds (pull just load and dump the
types), this button tractor type), this pics without any
will cause the program button will cause the concern for paper
to use every last program to print two positioning. This
available point on each screens on a page then works well if you do
page printing two pics advance the paper to not decollate the fan
to a page until the the next TOF leaving a fold when printing is
files it finds within blank page between done (leave the paper
the path you have printed pages (recall as is and stick it in
chosen are exhausted that two screens won't a manilla folder in
(and your ribbon too!) fit on a page). your filing cabinet).
We accomplish the 2/PAGE feature by stealing two scan lines from the
top of each pic and a like number from the bottom (you'll likely not miss
them). We then move the pic up to the top of the screen and after the
dump we reverse the printer 4 points to cover the empty space. This makes
8 lines reversed for each page making the subsequent page start at TOF.
For the F-FEED feature, we load and print the entire first pic then steal
the bottom 8 lines of the second pic on each page. Though the printer
will attempt to print onto the next page, there is only blank space to
dump so no ink actually gets onto the paper. Between each set of two pics
there will be a completely pristine blank piece of paper which you can
use as you see fit once you decollate your catalogue. The quality of the
catalogue resulting from your pressing either of these buttons is greatly
dependent upon your setting the printer to exactly TOF so you can see the
value of the QUEST button. Use it to your advantage.
FOR EVERYONE: (HP LQ and EPSON owners read the following)
After you punch one of these three buttons, the GEM fileselector
will appear. Choose the path from which to print (ClipArTALOGUE will not
dig into any subdirectories on its own so the pics you wish to print must
be visible in the fileselector window) and click on the OK button. The
filenames matching protocol for extenders (ie PI1-PI3, PC1-PC3, TNY, TN1-
TN3, or NEO) will be extracted and displayed on the screen. You then have
to opportunity to enter a name for this section of catalogue or you can
type "!" to abort the print. Normally you would enter disk name or number
here. For the EPSON dump, in the upper right hand corner of the screen
prior to printing each pic, the program prints the name of the pic and
also this string. For the HP DESKJET run, this string is printed in the
upper right hand corner of the page along with the current path. This is
to help you reference the pic easily among your files, but keep it short.
CAVEATS (ain't there always some!) This program was written in a very
short time with little attention to bells, whistles or ERRORS. Though it
runs flawlessly when treated properly, it may crash with bad media or
unprompted disk swaps so don't try to play tricks on it. It was designed
primarily for use with HI RES pics of clip art and though it will load
and dump any resolution screen from any resolution, the actual hues of a
color pic will not display since colors are set to print in the
grey_scale. This program is best run in monochrome or at least medium
resolution though it will run in low. Color screens will MURDER your
ribbon if you're using an EPSON and will empty a Deskjet cartridge rather
quickly! Pay close attention to your printer and ribbon! A frayed ribbon
will DESTROY your printhead if you don't keep an eye on it. Frayed
ribbons should be discarded! If you are using an EPSON, you can print on
both sides of the paper but make sure your ribbon is rather dry at the
start (it will be at the finish .. guaranteed!) Do not try to dump 700
pics at once from your hard drive, you'll annihilate your printer! Print
thirty relatively uncomplicated pics (roughly a diskfull) and let your
printer cool. If you're printing color pics, half that amount. If you're
using an HP Deskjet, it is not recommended you print on both sides of the
paper since the ink has a tendency to print through. I do not have access
to an HP LASER printer so I can make no claim as to compatibility with
LASER printers. If you have access to one and find that this program
works, please let me know (address below){see notes}.
This program was written in GFA BASIC v2.0 and assembly routines were
coded with ASSEMPRO. Dox were written with Word Perfect v4.1 (I am
finally getting used to that program and find it fun to play with so I
had a tendency to ramble with this dissertation, sorry).
Version 1.6 of PIC_LOG and 2.1 of JET_LOG and this doc are:
COPYRIGHT 1988,89 Chet Walters
P.O. Box 45
Girard, OH 44420
They are not to be distributed nor sold without permission in writing
of Chet Walters by any club, organization or anyone but NEO STAG. If you
have obtained these programs from a BBS, purchased them as part of a
club disk or have obtained them from anyone other than NEO STAG, please
write to the address above and let us know where you got them.
Version 2.0 of HP/LQ has an initial Alert at the beginning which
asks you to choose your printer. If you have an HP Deskjet, click on HP. If
you have an Epson LQ or compat, click on LQ. Subsequently, your choice is
echoed in the SOME ALL SET alert. CLick on the SET button to re-select if
you have made an error. Click on SET also to exit the program. 2/13/89
v2.1 Thanks to Gary at B&G Electronics in Lakewood near Cleveland, we have
now been able to add compatibility with the HP LaserJet as well. It seems
there are some differences in the ROMS between the DeskJet and the Laser
printer and even some differences in the ROMS of like models so you may
have to experiment with the settings in the program. If you find that
your pic titles are either creeping up or down into the screen dumps as
the page progresses, try a different setting. What you need to do to toggle
this "fudge factor" on or off is to hold down the SHIFT key when clicking
the HP button in the title box. What seems to be the norm is holding SHIFT
down for LaserJet printers and leaving it alone for DeskJets. 4/11/89
For all your Atari hardware and software needs, call:
B&G Electronics
15729 Madison Ave.
Lakewood, OH 44107
216-521-2855 (tell Gary that Chet sent ya!)